Steel Beams IPE 240 6 m

كمر متوازي IPE 240 طول 6 متر

> SKU: 02IPE2406

Steel Beams are widely used throughout the construction industry when supporting heavy loads is required. Commonly termed an “I” Beam because of its shape, beams provide great load bearing support when used horizontally or standing as columns. Available in two configurations, the most popular being the Wide Flange Steel Beam aka H Beam or W Beam with non-tapered flanges. This beam shape has a wider profile for added horizontal strength, making it ideal for sky scrapers or as a house beam, along with bridge beams, trailers, platforms, etc. Standard American Beams, aka Junior Beams or S Beams, have tapered flanges for added strength when your load is concentrated on the flanges, such as machine bases, hoists, cranes or a trolley beam for your garage.

1.00 EGP



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IPE 100, IPE 120, IPE 140, IPE 160, IPE 180, IPE 200, IPE 220, IPE 240, IPE 270, IPE 300, IPE 330, IPE 360, IPE 400, IPE 450, IPE 500, IPE 550, IPE 80, IPE600

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This Steel Beams IPE 240 6 m

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